Section 2 - Unit 5: The pen is mightier than the psychoanalyst

Section 2 - Unit 5:

The pen is mightier than the psychoanalyst

    If you apply for a job in some countries, you would almost certainly be asked for a sample of your handwriting. And it would be the handwriting, as much as anything else, that would determine your suitability for the job.
    Handwriting analysis, or graphology, is accepted as a genuine science in many countries. Researchers says it can be a useful tool in indicating certain illnesses, such as heart disease and cancer, and can reveal psychological states and emotionaldisturbances.
    Handwriting analysis is increasingly being used for vocational guidance and as an adjunct to interviews. Many big companies now employ graphologists to analyse the handwriting of potential candidates for the key jobs.
    But most doctors and psychiatrists remain dubious about the value of graphology. Patricia Marne, a professional graphologist for more than 20 years, argues that they should take it more seriously. She believes that handwriting can indicate psychological characteristics as well as certain medical conditions. She says: “Handwriting is a powerful indicator of social class and intelligence. But more than that, it can be used to assess mental ability and potential, whether they have a devious or open character.”
    According to Ms Marne, graphology can be particularly useful in assessing possible crkiminal tendencies: “Criminals all have disturbed handwriting, mostly illiterate and poorly-shaped. Most criminals come from deprived backgrounds and have arrested emotional development. This often shows up in unusually childish handwriting and in going over letters several times.”
    “Young male offenders frequently have very high ascenders, indicating that they live in a world of fantasy and dream of making it big.” “Graphologists can tell whether violence is about to erupt, whether the writer is under unbearable pressure, and whether there are psychopathic tendencies. Handwriting can be used to predict would-be suicides.”
    Heart and lung problems can also show up, she says. “you can’t make a diagnosis from one sample, unless the writing is obviously shaky or disturbed. But if over a period of time it changes or becomes disjointed, if there’s a break in the signature which did not exist previously, that could be a sign that something quite serious has occurred.” A severe emotional upset can also show up in a temporarily altered signature, she maintains.
    Ms Marne says handwriting can be used to reveal other psychological characteristics. People with writing in which letters form ‘threads’ instead of being individually formed are, apparently, devious and clever. Those who write mainly in capitals are trying to conceal their true selves from others. Very light pressure indicates sensitivity and lack of vitality. Originality in handwriting – how far the writer has deviated from copybook script – indicates confidence and artistic ability. Disconnected writing is the cardinal sign of the loner.
    Very small signatures indicate inhibition and inferiority complex; circles over the ‘i’ are a bid for attention, and crossing the ‘t’ heavily over the whole word is a sign of intolerance and a patronizing attitude.
    Ms Marne says it takes six years of study and experience to be able to analyse handwriting accurately, and this has to be combined with empathy and intuition. She feels that more research is needed to put graphology on a proper scientific footing.
    This will happen soon, she believes. ‘It’s actually far more accurate than psychoanalysis, as you can tell the whole history of the person, including all their emotional crises, without asking them questions to which they may give wrong answers.’
    Interesting as all this may sound, there is little hard evidence to support such claims. Some psychiatrists are highly critical of them. Handwriting, they say, is a product of education, artistic ability and the type of writing taught – and has no other significance.

Questions 1-8: 
    Read the following statements, write F if it is a fact or O if it is an opinion next to each one.
 1. A sample of the candidate’s handwriting would determine his/her suitability for the job
 2. Handwriting analysis can be a useful tool in indicating certain illnesses, psychological states or emotional disturbances.
 3. In many interviews, graphologists are employed to analyse the handwriting of potential candidates for important jobs.
 4. Most doctors and psychiatrists doubt about the value of graphology.
 5. Patricia Marne believes handwriting can indicate psychological characteristics and certain medical conditions.
 6. Graphology is far more accurate than psychoanalysis.
 7. It is necessary to do more research to put handwriting analysis on a proper scientific basis.
 8. Graphology is a product of education, artistic ability and the type of writing taught.

Answer Key: Soan: VIP 3 gui 8249  (2k/sms)

Questions 9-15: 
    Read the following statements and write T (True) if the statement agrees with the writer’s views or F (False) if the statement contradicts the writer’s views or NG (Not given) if it is impossible to say what the writer thinks about this. Give the evidence for each statement.
 9. In many countries candidates are required to have a sample of handwriting to help determine the position.
 10. Doctors can diagnose heart disease and cancer through analysing handwritings.
 11. People with illiterate problem all have disturbed and poorly-shaped handwriting.
 12. Graphology is more accurate than psychoanalysis because one’s history can be revealed without asking many questions.
 13. Ms Marne is able to analyse accurately handwriting after six years of study and experience.
 14. A person being asked about his/her history always gives wrong answers to the psychoanalysts.
 15. The study of handwriting to reveal a person’s character is gaining support.

Answer Key: Soan: VIP 4 gui 8249  (2k/sms)

Questions 16-18: 
    Answer the questions (more than one answer may be possible).
16. How would you describe the writer’s style
 A. personal B. academic C. argumentative D. realistic
17. How would you describe the tone of the passage
 A. factual B. critical C. analytical D. convincing
18. The writer’ attitude toward the handwriting analysis can be described as
 A. impartial B. partial C. supportive D concerned

Answer Key:  Soan: VIP 9 gui 8249  (2k/sms)

Questions 19-25: 
    Find the boldfaced words in the passage that have similar meanings to the followings.
19. rising-in-influence thoughts
20. having natural liking or tendency on a certain type of work
21. reveal, make clearly visible
22. resistance to a feeling or an instinct
23. ability to identify and understand a person or thing
24. breaking the quietness or calmness
25. turned aside or neglected a truth

Answer Key: soan: VIP 8 gui 8249  (2k/sms)

Questions 26-40: 
    Match the handwriting characteristics (A-J) with the types of person listed (1-15). Some choices may be required more than once. Type the letter in the box.
 1. a person who has recently had a shock
 2. a person who dislikes company
 3. a person who lacks confidence
 4. a person who cannot be trusted
 5. a person who is not lively
 6. a secretive person
 7. a person who has committed a crime
 8. an honest person
 9. a selfish person
 10. a confident person
 11. an emotional person
 12. a person with a medical problem
 13. a person of high intelligence
 14. a person with creative talent
 15. an emotionally immature person
A. writing that is not joined togetherB. writing that ignores the accepted rules

C. writing that has not been done firmly

D. writing that is well-formed

E. unusually large letters
F. a signature that has changed
G. letters that are not formed separately
H. writing with a lot of capitals
I. writing like that of a child
J. a very small signature

Answer Key: soan: VIP 5 gui 8249   (2k/sms)

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