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Well, it's 9.30 at night, and by now almost everyone has cast their vote. Very soon all our questions will be answered. Were the government right to hold the election so soon after the so-called ‘dash for cash’ scandal, in which certain applicants were apparently granted political asylum in exchange for financial favours? Will the opposition benefit from the decision of ex-Prime Minister David Howe to come out of retirement and stand as a candidate? Will Mr Howe’s famous refusal to toe the party line in matters of policy affect party unity? Will the vicious smear campaign which the government have mounted against Mr Howe backfire on them? Well, all will be revealed pretty soon. Interestingly, an opinion poll conducted yesterday by ‘Express Newspapers’ put the government just two percent ahead, while another, in the ‘Daily Mirror’, indicated they would be re-elected with an increased majority. According to the latter poll, people felt that the opposition’s election manifesto was poor and contained nothing new.


Well, it's 9.30 at night, and by now almost everyone has cast their voteđã đi bỏ phiếu
Very soon (chẳng mấy chốc nữa) all our questions will be answered. Were the government right to hold the election (tổ chức bầu cử) so soon after the so-called ‘dash for cash’(=run-for-money, chạy theo tiền)scandal, in which certain applicants(người thỉnh cầu) were apparently granted political asylum (được trao quy chế tỵ nạn chính trị)in exchange for (để đổi lấy) financial favours?(hỗ trợ tài chính)
Will the opposition benefit from the decision of ex-Prime Minister (nguyên Thủ tướng) David Howe to come out of retirement(bước ra từ tuổi nghỉ hưu) and stand as a candidate?(đăng ký làm ứng cử viên)
Will Mr Howe’s famous refusal to toe the party line (tuân theo đường lối của đảng) in matters of policy(trong các vấn đề về chính sách) affect party unity?
Will the vicious smear(bôi nhọ) campaign which the government have mounted against (đã phát động chống lai) Mr Howe backfire on(có tác dụng ngược lại hoặc có tác dụng gậy ông đập lưng ông đối với) them?
Well, all will be revealed pretty soon(rất mau thôi).
Interestingly(có điều thú vị là), an opinion poll (cuộc thăm dò dư luận) conducted yesterday by ‘Express Newspapers’ put the government just two percent ahead,(cho biết chính phủ chỉ dẫn trước có 2%) while another, in the ‘Daily Mirror’, indicated they would be re-elected (được tái bầu)with an increased majority(tỷ lệ đa số cao hơn trước).
According to the latter poll(cuộc thăm dò thứ hai nói trên), people felt that (có nhiều người cảm thấy rằng) the opposition’s election manifesto(bản tuyên ngôn bầu cử) was poor and contained nothing new(chẳng có gì mới).

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